Monday, December 14, 2009

1000 Acre Park Update

BWM Group and Williamson County folks got together on November 20th to discuss our progress master planning the park. Williamson County Commissioner, Cynthia Long, and Parks Director, Jim Rodgers, let us know where we hit the bulls eye and where we missed the mark. Our next session is Friday, December 18th at the site.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Public Input Summary

BWM and Williamson County are both busy working on the Williams Tract Master plan. BWM is presenting our rough draft of the plan Wednesday November 18th to Parks Director, Jim Rodgers. The public input card above is representative of the majority of the comments received at the input sessions. We are also working on some fun "branding" ideas! Stay tuned.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Williams Tract Progress

The County and Planners have met to discuss the public input received in September. We are currently working on an outline for the plan and fine tuning the goals and objectives as refined by the parks professionals and community. Please check back soon for the outline update.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Public Input Session Today at the Wilco Courthouse

We gathered at the Courthouse in small groups with the elected officials garnering their thoughts about the future of the Williams Tract. These meetings were at 9:00, 9:40 and 10:30.

Some highlights of our input sessions:

9:00 Commissioner Birkman really liked the idea of unprogrammed large open spaces for the community to experience the outdoors, run and play... something many of her constiuents do not have access to in their home environment.

9:40 Commissioner Long asked us to look at emergency access and egress. Commissioner Morrison suggested echoing the existing ranch improvements in the new construction materials and styles.

10:30 Judge Dan Gattis said he wanted a wilderness experience with camping and trails that make you realize you are in the woods. He cautioned us to not over do it for two reasons: to protect the existing natural resources and to protect the county coffers.

Our open house meetings are at 11:30 to 1:30 and 6:00 to 8:00. Please come!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Site Information Gathering Meeting

BWM Group, Williamson County, and local and state park professionals met on site to discuss the dos and don'ts and brainstormed about the 1,011 acre park. It was a great session. BWM was fortunate to receive a tremendous amount of valuable information from the experts for the park master plan. Click here to see today's site visit photos. The comments and more photographs will follow in a subsequent posting.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Take a look at the aerial of the Williams tract that shows the vegetation, river frontage, and surrounding land use.

Please see the location map for the Williams Tract/Northwest County Park showing its close proximity to Liberty Hill.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Input Sessions

Williamson County is gathering input from three distinct groups for the park plan.

The first group is the park professionals. The session will be on site September 3rd from 8:30 am to 11:30 am. We have invited various park representatives ranging from local municipal professionals to Texas Parks and Wildlife folks.

The next group is the elected officials who will share their ideas and concerns. This sessions will occur in the morning on September 10th at the Williamson County Courthouse at 710 Main Street in Georgetown on the second floor in the Commissioners Courtroom.

The final and most important group is the Williamson County community. Everyone is invited to the community wide open house sessions during lunch time from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm and/or at the end of the day from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. These meetings will also be in the Commissioners Courtroom. We hope to see you there!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

How to get to the Williams Tract

The 1,011 acre tract of rolling hills with San Gabriel River frontage is located on County Road 282 and the intersection of 284.

Site Photographs